Nicotine is widely known to be one of the most addictive substances on the planet, and it is certainly the most addictive legal drug in America.
According to the CDC, tobacco causes about one in every five deaths in America.
While there have been some positive results from anti-smoking campaigns that have helped reduce the number of new smokers in recent years, nothing close to a cure for nicotine addiction exists today.
There are all sorts of products on the market that try to help those addicted to nicotine move away from tobacco, including patches, gums, lozenges, pills and everything in between.
In recent years, some have even started to turn to cannabis in the form of CBD gummies and even THC. But can these cannabis derived edibles really help you quit smoking?
Recent studies have shown CBD has been effective in helping with cigarette withdrawals, and decreasing one’s desire to smoke.
One study, by University College London, found that using CBD helped reduce nicotine desire almost instantly. “The study found that after a single dose of CBD treatment, heavy daily smokers find smoking-related cues less visually attention-grabbing,” UCL said.
CBD and its connection to smoking cessation has spawned many brands to market their gummies to those trying to quit. When it comes to THC, however, there has been far less research done in general.
Further, with marijuana still illegal and untrusted on a federal level, it is much easier to promote CBD, which has been widely accepted as having very few negative side effects.
According to the National Cancer Institute, some of the most common nicotine withdrawal symptoms include irritability, insomnia, anxiety, depression and others.
In regards to sleeplessness, Americans have used a little bit of weed to fall asleep on restless nights for generations. Many of marijuana’s perceived benefits seem like they would directly benefit those experiencing severe nicotine withdrawal. But with limited research and a federal prohibition, it is still difficult to say if THC can definitely help you quit smoking.